lexfish brand guideline
lexfish brand guideline

Master Lexfish Brand Guideline: Step-by-Step Guide


For any business, brand guideline plays a vital role. Having a complete lexfish brand guideline can do wonders for Lexfish to be recognized and keep its voice the same. Brand guidelines gives your team, partner and customer a sense of what to experience. Not having a brand guide can leave your message behind, not to mention that your brand will feel undefined.

So, I am compiling all the good stuff into these 10 simple steps to let you know how a Lexfish brand guideline can be done easily. They are all basic steps that will make your brand tougher and more consistent in the long run. Lexfish has generated a clear and consistent identity in all platforms by this guide.

Step 1: Know Your Brand

The first thing to create is the Lexfish brand guideline and before that, you need to know who your business focuses on. So a big question to ask yourself is:

What is the Lexfish story?

What makes Lexfish unique?

Which values do you wish the brand to portray?

The heart of who your brand is comes from its story and values. Your brand story is your mission, vision and values. This will drive every branding decision you make and serve as the basis for your entire lexfish brand guideline. Write these values down in plain view so that everyone who works with your brand knows what they are striving for.

Action Points:

Determine Lexfish unique selling points.

Define the Core Values and Goals for Your Brand.

Get to know the brand — this becomes a base for going forward.

Step 2: Set the Tone

The tone of a brand is its tone of voice. How Lexfish would “speak” to its audience. Formal and professional tone? Or is it warmer, and more personable? The voice of Lexfish should reflect the authenticity and aspirations of the brand.

This is essential in connecting with your audiences the right way, so choose a tone rightly. When you decide on the tone, stay consistent. This tone should remain consistent on all channels, whether social media or direct-marketing efforts.

Action Points:

Determine tone formal or casual.

Every person should be conversant about using the tone in communications.

A consistent tone in your brand voice, such as that which is created by Lexfish, produces familiarity and goes a long way to establish trust with the audience.

Step 3: Choose Your Colors

ran’s identityNearly plays a key role in brand_identity. Color palette: Lexfish (Used universally on all platforms) Select two or three primary brand colors. Those colors should match your brand’s character.

After the main colors, stick to these colours exclusively in all your designs, logos and marketing material. It will allow people to instantly and effortlessly associate your brand unsurprisingly.

Action Points:

Select two or three main colors that are consistent with the brand.

Make sure you use the same color in every branding materials. From your website to business cards, everything should bond with each other through a single unique colour code.

Having color consistency will assist in building that memorable brand. Since lexfish should have a color guide: Color Guide for all Team Members

Step 4: Pick Fonts

Fonts are another essential element of your brand appearance. The fonts you pick should reflect the Lexfish brand and be readable. Isolate one or two fonts you will use for every piece of written content. All these use some very basic and same fonts.

Check readability: Fonts should be readable not only on the web but also in social media platforms as well and letters printed on any of material. When you use the same fonts for everything, your brand looks professional and cohesive.

Action Points:

Pick only simple, easy to read one or two fonts.

Consistency in Fonts for All Materials, Existed Online and Offline.

Using the identical font over and above will provide Lexfish an appearance of its own, one which is consistent with a professional tone.

Step 5: Create a Logo

The face of Lexfish is your logo. On top of being one of the most crucial sections in your brand guideline. The best logos are simple, memorable and timeless. We mean that the logo should be enticing and grand enough when scaled down to as little space as a business card, yet still retain its glory on huge billboards.

This is also something your logo must convey. Just make sure it speaks to what your audience is interested in and says something about Lexfish. After all, you are not making so that it can be construed well.

Action Points:

Create an unforgettable simple logo which says something about the brand.

Make sure to test the logo on both large and small applications.

A branded logo will make Lexfish more visible in an ever-growing market.

Step 6: Define the Message

A message for brands to live by. Firstly, Lexfish needs to have a clear message which communicates the brand’s identity and intentions. Your message must be crisp, clear and to the point.

It is your marketing message that appears on all of your sales collateral, website and in any other communication. That being said, because it must be consistent, everyone in your company (startup) should know this and talk about that.

Action Points:

Opt for a crisp, concise brand message that appeals to your core values.

Make sure that everyone on the team is aware of and incorporates this message in to their work.

This way Lexfish remains focused and is properly able to message with the die-hard fans out in socialville.

Step 7: Make Rules for Images

Visuals, A brand Must have A stable support file: Ideally the lexfish repo would include a lexfish brand guideline on recommended images for marketing, etc. Images need to convey what the brand stands for and are of a similar style/quality.

For instance, if Lexfish is a contemporary and inventive brand go for modern touch in the visualizations. Using random or cheap pictures which your audience can really tell, is not good strengthen on creating a brand

Action Points:

Maintain a cohesive visual style across all marketing images.

All the images you use should be nice and of high quality with a brand voice.

Providing a set of rules for images will help maintain visual identity and ensure Lexfish looks the same everywhere.

Step 8: Plan for the Future

A strong lexfish brand guideline should not only look at the immediate but also consider tomorrow. Since it is in the earlier stages of Lexfish, we may eventually need to shift that focus. That is why we must allow for alterations and updates.

That rules out any print material about to be printed, but it also means your lexfish brand guideline better not take a hardline in response to fads or trends of the industry. But the design needs to still align around what makes a brand truly unique.

Action Points:

Make it adaptable in the years to come Your brand guide must be pliable, capable of being preserved and nurtured through structural company changes.

Stay true to the core values of Lexfish as the brand grows

Future Planning- This will help Lexfish make smarter decisions to stay relevant and keep the brand strong over time.

Step 9: Share the Guide

After the creation of the Lexfish brand guideline, it is important to implement this throughout all employees. Your guide should be user friendly and clear. Then, ensure all employees as well other partners or contractors understand the rules and know where to locate our guide.

Communicate the brand guide to ensure everyone is in alignment and that a consistent brand remains present across all platforms.

Action Points:

Distribute the brand guideline to everyone in your company.

Please ensure that the guide is user friendly.

Articulating the brand guideThe most important imperative to keep a consistent and strong brand is through clear communication of your brands’ guidelines.

Step 10: Review and Revise the Guide

And definitely double up with your Lexfish brand guideline and refresh it at regular intervals. Markets evolve, and brands also. It will also keep you in line with your brand guide.

A branded guideline should be reviewed regularly to reflect more of you and less generic information as goals/vision changes. Be sure to update the guide with any changes and communicate best practices updates out :).

Action Points:

Conduct frequent reviews of the brand guideline.

Do not forget to update the guide and communicate necessary changes.

Lexfish will be kept current in order to maintain relevance with that audience.


I had a strong brand guideline to keep everything consistent so the brand was recognizable wherever it appeared. If Lexfish follows these 10 steps, we can make a Brand guide of our own — one visibly clear how exactly to do that as well for others.

These are all essential to a unified brand, from tone and colours through logo design to tag-line. Regular updates and reviews of the guide will ensure Lexfish remains relevant in a dynamic market.

Lexfish can ensure it grows and continues to succeed with a solid, consistent brand by adhering strictly to these rules.


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